-> High Pressure die-casting: a method of injecting the metal into a metal mold under high pressure in order to obtain, in small or large series, complex parts with accurate dimensional tolerances and allowing to eliminate machining operations.
BREA SYSTEM is specialized in parts with important aspect constraints. It owns automated or manual presses, depending on volume, ranging from 175T to 2500T, and mainly using the following aluminum alloys: AS12, AS12U, AS9U3 or AS9G.
Through the complimentarily of its two sites and of its automated presses, BREA SYSTEM can answer all your requests for parts ranging from a few grams to more than 50Kg in small and large series.
BREA SYSTEM, well know about the following two molding technology:
-> Gravity molding: This process involves the use of first melting alloy either manually or automatically casting using a ladle and allowing the use of sand core.
This process makes it possible to obtain good mechanical characteristics which can be improved by an additional heat treatment operation.
BREA SYSTEM has a flexible shell workshop allowing it to do part with flat or tilt casting, in small or medium series, ranging from 50g to 50Kg, and mainly using the following aluminum alloys: AS13, AS7G06, AZ10SBG, AU5GT or AU8S.